Eight candidates for state and local offices participated in the second candidates forum sponsored by the Republican Party of Garland County on Thursday at the Garland County Library. The candidates gather with Marcia Albaugh, RPGC Chair, (center) after the forum. (From left) Justin Nicklas, a candidate for Garland County Coroner, Doyle Webb, a Lt. Governor candidate, Jerry Vaughn, a Justice of the Peace, District 13 candidate, Justice of Peace Larry Raney, seeking reelection for Justice of the Peace, District 13, Justice of the Peace Matt McKee, a State Senate candidate and Leon Jones, Jr., a candidate for Attorney General. (In separate) photo Garland County Coroner Stuart Smedley, who is seeking reelection, speaks about the role the coroner plays. The third forum sponsored by the RPGC will be held at 6 p.m. on May 5 also at the Library. The RPGC will hold its monthly meeti
ng on May 5 at 5:30 p.m., at the Library prior to the forum.