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Meet your Garland County Committee

Message from Chairman, Gaylon Boshears

Let’s change the world!   We are fighting for a free and strong America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. A strong Government will create a safer world. It starts in our communities. 

Get involved!  Together we will work to promote the Republican Platform and elect officials who will follow it.   But in order to do that, we must focus on the political fundamentals: 1) raise money, 2) communicate our conservative message, and 3) identify, train, organize and elect Republicans.

What are your passions? Your areas of expertise?  We need you!  Come join our grassroots organization of diverse people where together we can work for positive change in our community, state, and Federal Governments.  Come be a part of the RPGC. Let your voice be heard and your vote count. 


Gaylon Boshears

Republican Party Garland County Chairman

2025 Executive Board


  • Chairman - Gaylon Boshears

  • ​1st Vice Chairman - Debbie McGrew

  • 2nd Vice Chairman - Justin Nicklas

  • 3rd Vice Chairman - Mickey Gates

  • Secretary - Sarah Smith

  • Treasurer - Jeremy Brown

  • State Committeewoman - Laura Ramoly

  • State Committeeman - Jim Lehnerd

  • District Committeewoman - Sharon Parrett

  • District Committeeman -Danny LaFleur

  • Past Chairman - Marcia Albaugh 

How We Are Structured

Our party is truly a grassroots organization. From the national level to the County and City level, it all starts with you!


County  Committeemen 

All counties in Arkansas shall have the opportunity to have a Republican County Committee, referred to as the “County Committee”.


The purpose of the County Committee is to assist in the election of qualified Republican candidates to public office and to fulfill the needs of the citizens of the State of Arkansas in a manner consistent with the beliefs and principles of The Republican Party.


County committeemen are the heart and soul of our organization. These are your friends and neighbors who are either elected during a primary or appointed by the county chairman. They go door-to-door in their neighborhoods rallying support for the party and our candidates.


However, and perhaps most importantly, every four years, you can vote for a county chairman


County Chairman

The county chairman, along with the executive committee, makes decisions on the direction of the party on the local level. They recruit and support candidates to run for county and city offices.  The county chairman can vote for a district chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and treasurer. GAYLON BOSHEARS is the current County Chairman.


District Chairman

Each Congressional district has a Republican committee whose purpose is to aid in the election of a Republican Congressman from that particular district. The district chairman and vice-chairman sit on the state committee which is the state party’s governing body. These committeemen are able to vote for a national committeeman and committeewoman as well as for the state chairman. 


State Chairman 

The state chairman is the head of the Republican party in his/her state. It is their job to support Republican candidates for statewide office. The state chairman is able to vote for the chairman of the Republican National Committee if their state voted Republican in the preceding presidential election, have a Republican majority in their congressional delegation (U.S. representatives and senators), or have Republican governors. JOSEPH WOOD is our Arkansas Republican Chairman. 


National Committeemen

National Committeeman (EDDIE ARNOLD) and National Committeewoman (MINDY MCALINDON)  regardless of which party is in control of their state, are able to vote for a chairman of the Republican National Committee.


Republican National Committee Chairman 

The RNC chairman serves a two-year term and guides the party’s national effort to elect a Republican President and Republican members of Congress. Currently, Michael Whatley serves as Chairman of the RNC while Lara Trump services as Co-Chair.

Republican Party Garland County © 2021    Mailing Address:  PO Box 20887, Hot Springs, AR 71903

Meeting Location: 615 W. Grand Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901  (MAP) Phone: (501) 760-3600


Speech or actions meant to demean or assault another based on real or assumed membership in a social group is not condoned by the  Republican Party of Garland County.


Recognition of each person's ability, dignity, freedom, and responsibility are basic to good government.

Equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity belong to all, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex.

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