Join Us
How to Become a Member
Committee Membership
Being a committee member requires
Completed Application
$50.00 filing fee
Attend 2 meetings
Third meeting the committee votes on acceptance as a county committee member
A County Committee shall be allowed one at-large member for every 50 votes cast, or major fraction thereof, in their county for the Republican nominee for Governor in the most recent gubernatorial election, plus one precinct member from each precinct in the respective county. The County Committee is encouraged to have a member from each precinct. Members of the Arkansas General Assembly, State Constitutional Officers, U.S. Senators, and U.S. Representatives who are members of a County Committee shall be ex-officio members of the County Committee.
Basic Membership
Receive updates from the County Party
Direct access to campaigns, candidates, and officeholders at the local, state, and national level
Discounts to events (a $25 value)
Access to member-only events
Networking opportunities to connect with other professionals and political activists throughout the Central Arkansas area
The knowledge and pride that you help set things right in Garland County and beyond!
Breakfast Club
All of the Basic Membership Benefits plus
free ticket to the semi-annual Breakfast with the Candidates
Chairman's Club
The Basic Membership Benefits plus
free ticket to the semi-annual Breakfast with the Candidates
Priority Seating at Fundraising Events
Governor's Club
The Basic Membership Benefits plus
free ticket to the semi-annual Breakfast with the Candidates
Priority Seating at Fundraising Events
Republican Roundup Hall of Fame Dinner ticket honoring a member of our organization that has made a difference in our community
Reagan Club
The Basic Membership Benefits plus
Host at Guest Speakers Table
2 Paid tickets to the Lincoln-Reagan Freedom Fundraiser
2 Paid tickets to the Private Reception for Guest Speaker
Photograph with Guest Speaker (digital file ready for print)
Recognition in Event Program.
Become an Advisory Board member (meets no less than 2 times per year with other Reagan Club members and County Party Chairman to discuss the action plan of the County Committee for possible candidates
Contribution to the RPGC PAC Your membership donation will help to elect conservative candidates to our city, county, state, and national offices.